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Emaitzak dio E Coli 10000UFC/ml dituela eta Antibiograma egin didate .
Harritu egin nau honek eta Up To date-n(1) begiratu dut : Sintomak eta pixean leukozitoak dituztenetan urokultiboa positiboa dela esan dezakegu UFC ≥ 10 2 / ml dagoenean
(1)DEFINITION OF A POSITIVE CULTURE — The standard definition of a positive urine culture is ≥105 CFU/mL together with pyuria (eg, leukocyte count ≥105 WBC/mL). Normal values in a noninfected midstream, clean-catch sample are <105 colony-forming units (CFU, primarily due to contaminating Escherichia coli) and <10,000 leukocytes per mL of urine [3-7]. Contamination in the absence of UTI is typically suggested by high CFU counts without significant leukocyturia in a patient with no urinary tract symptoms such dysuria, frequency or fever.
However, this definition does not apply to all patients. If fecal contamination has been ruled out, a lower colony count (>102/mL) may be indicative of UTI. This was best demonstrated in studies in women who had dysuria and frequency but a midstream culture contained less 105 CFU/mL [1,8,9]. This condition had been called the acute urethral syndrome [1]. In one study, for example, 42 such women (most of whom had ≥102 CFU/mL on culture of a midstream specimen) who also had pyuria underwent suprapubic bladder aspiration. Thirty seven had a positive aspirate culture: 24 E. coli, 3 Staphylococcus saprophyticus, and 10 Chlamydia [1]. All of these women responded to appropriate antimicrobial therapy. In comparison, a positive culture was very uncommon in women with similar symptoms but no pyuria.On the basis of these findings, it has been suggested that a CFU count ≥102/mL be considered positive on a midstream urine specimen in women with acute symptoms and pyuria. It has been estimated that 88 percent of such women have a UTI