Beti zalantza berdina sortzen zait hatzetako tendoiaren haustura ikustea suertazten zaidanean ..zein da joskura ahal den azkarren egin behar zaiona ? tendoi hedatzaile edo tolestzaileari?
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TENDOI TOLESTATZAILEAREN HAUSTURA : Traumatologoak azkar aztertu dezan bideratu behar dugu
Jersey finger is an acute rupture of the flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) tendon at its insertion at the distal phalanx. The tendon may retract to the proximal interphalangeal joint or all the way to the palm.
●Rupture of the FDP is caused by a sudden, forceful hyperextension of the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint.
●Examination findings with jersey finger injuries include pain and swelling at the palmar DIP joint or along the volar aspect of the involved finger and inability to flex the DIP joint.
●ALL jersey finger injuries should be referred urgently to a hand surgeon. Definitive treatment is surgical in all cases, and some injuries require surgical repair within 7 to 10 days.
●Jersey finger may be misdiagnosed initially as a "sprained finger" or present late if a patient does not appreciate the extent of injury. Complications are more likely with late presentations.
TENDOI HEDATZAILEAREN HAUSTURA : 6-8 astetan hatza hedatua eduki behar da ferula bidez eta ezbada erabat osatu, beste 2 astetan gauean jarri ferula
Mallet finger injuries are the result of a partial or complete rupture of the extensor tendon's
terminal insertion distal to the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint. They are caused by a forced flexion injury.
●Examination findings in a mallet finger injury include pain and swelling over the dorsum of the DIP joint, a DIP flexor deformity, and an inability to actively extend the DIP joint.
●Surgical referral should be obtained if the mallet finger is associated with a fracture, the DIP joint cannot be passively extended, or there is DIP joint subluxation.
●We suggest that uncomplicated mallet finger injuries be treated by maintaining the DIP joint in full extension or minimally hyperextended using an appropriate splint (Grade 2C). It is crucial that patients not allow flexion of the DIP at any time during the initial period of splinting (generally six to eight weeks).
●DIP splinting is performed continuously for six to eight weeks. If no extensor lag exists at the end of this period, night splinting is then performed for two additional weeks.